VEDA believes that yoga brings inspiration, joyful living and a new reality.
Yoga moves us towards an experiential reality where we can truly know the ultimate nature of existence. It is a skillful action whereby the body and mind join in complete union.
It is a practice created for us to craft self-mastery, in turn teaching us to live more in balance with oursleves.
Applying self-discipline is our commitment to the practice and fosters our goals, through the mind and body control techniques we learn.
A science that developed at least 7,000 years ago in India, yoga was purposefully designed through the observation of man and his harmonious interaction with nature.
The science of yoga has eight levels of practice, including total psychotherapy of body and mind.
We are now in an age where the mind is constantly distracted by the outer world. It is easy to let our focus lay in TV shows, Instagram feeds and others. Science has proven there is a remedy, and that is the practice of yoga, which can reduce the stress of our chaotic lives. It strengthens the body from the inside out, offering heightened stamina and circulatory health, enhanced metabolic and immune function and increased flexibility and strength.
Whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced practitioner of a specific style, VEDA provides exceptional guidance to deepen your practice. Our retreats draw on the wisdom of:
Karma yoga: The yoga of action.
Bhakti yoga: The yoga of devotion.
Jnana yoga: The yoga of knowledge.
VEDA also pulls from Ashtanga, Restorative and flow-based yoga and our retreats will constantly introduce new concepts to enhance and further your knowledge.