We are what we eat. Understand the wisdom of nutrition.

Science has proven that our brain acts according to what we eat and therefore our food choices will lead us to our outcome in life.

Regardless of how healthy our lifestyle and diet are, we live in a toxic world, chronically exposed to harmful chemicals in our environment. Many foods contain pesticides, preservatives and additives that are difficult for the body to process. Additionally, air and water in most populated areas are contaminated.

Indiscriminate use of pharmaceuticals and habitual use of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and other drugs push the body into toxic overload. These and other habits have a similar deleterious effect on a psychological/ emotional level. Moreover, the fast-paced multi-tasking lifestyle that has become the collective norm is extremely taxing on the physiology.

In short, most bodies are being given demands they can not manage. When our bodies become overloaded, elimination processes slow, overworked organs are unable to complete their tasks and toxins lodge in our systems. The results are not always apparent to the naked eye, but inevitably ultimately lead to disease and decrease our capacity to function optimally.

The most common symptoms of toxic overload are:

-low energy/fatigue
-poor concentration/memory
-strong food cravings

-digestive problems
-aches and pains
-sugar/caffeine/alcohol/drug dependence
-frequent illnesses

-excess weight
-premature aging

Juice fasting allows the body to divert the energy is normally expends on the digestive process and instead uses it to eliminate toxicity, acidity and other bodily contaminants.

VEDA's Detoxification Program consists of medically supervised juice fastings specifically designed for your needs, combined with other detoxification treatments that facilitate cleansing. The 14 - Day Detox consists of a three day juice fast plus eleven days of Ayurvedic food meals, including the re-introduction of healthy food into the system upon breaking the fast.

Fasting has long been heralded as a potent state for spiritual evolution bringing clarity and a feeling of interconnectedness. To enhance the journey of self-discovery and expand consciousness, VEDA retreats combine with other practices such as meditation, yoga, breathwork, self and relational enquiry through writing and spiritual discussion. Participants always find these elements an invaluable aspect of the detoxification process.
