Live a meaningful and purposeful life.
The Eight Limbs of Yoga:
Yamas are the ethical values towards others and are composed of five categories which will be covered in depth in a future blog post.
The Niyamas are the rules of conduct that apply to the individual. They involve purification, contentment, austerity, study, devotion and breaking habits that do not serve us. An in-depth look at the Niyamas will be available within our retreats and on our blog in the future.
Asanas are yoga postures, the purpose of these postures is to bring steadiness, health, lightness and balance to the body and mind.
Pranayama is the science of breathing, the essence of life and the expansion and managing of life force within us.
Pratyahara refers to the taming or withdrawal of the senses from the outer world in order to heighten inner awareness.
Dharana refers to a prolonged focusing of attension on a single mental object leading to meditation.
Dhyana goes hand in hand with Dharana as it takes concentration to even a deeper level. Meditative absorption, or contemplation.
Samadhi is the connection of the universal self with the individual self. It is considered as moving towards sameness and utlimate bliss. it has two principal forms: conscious ecstasy, which includes a variety of spontaneously arising thoughts, and supraconscious ecstasy, which is free from all ideation.