We aim towards healthy growth through therapeutic sessions which restore self and develop the mind.
-Lack of perseverance
These nine conditions are the greatest causes of all sorrows, miseries and pain, which disturb the mind and result in distractions and loss of mental tranquility. All these interruptions produce symptoms such as mental discomfort, negative thinking, the inability to be at ease in different body postures, and difficulty in controlling one's breath.
In healing our selves our spiritual reality is seen to have many important qualities. These essential aspects of our true nature includes love, compassion, will, peace, strength, joy and clarity. Each of these essential aspects has its own unique flavour and particular function for the human soul and the realisation of it's ground. This ground includes boundless love, universal consciousness, transparent awareness, profound emptiness and non-local truth - unities of many kinds.
With penetrating clarity the teaching articulates how these natural qualities have become obscured and how they can open and emerge into our lives. Recognizing and integrating our inner qualities is understood as an organic maturation toward fruition of our humanity and awakening of the transcendent—a process of both liberation and endless discovery and development.
Our central practice of enquiry engages and explores our inner world such that each experience deepens and reveals further meaning. Over time, our experience is increasingly informed by the innate qualities of our being - love, joy, strength, will, compassion, peace and others - that have been hidden by our unconscious beliefs and attitudes.
Along with verbal exploration, we use movement practices and breath work to engage the wisdom of the body in enquiry. Veda Wellness Retreats offers an organic deepening sequence for us to explore personally with others and in a group setting. We learn from each other in these settings and are supported by the witnessing of fellow students.
The openness of this approach invites us to contact our own inner guidance - to discover and fulfill our potential in our own unique timing and way.
Our teachings go beyond the physical, enabling one to navigate the outer world by cultivating a deeper state of internal experience through meditation, by sensing, looking and listening, which creates a stronger focus of attention in all areas of our lives.
We have dedicated our life to exploring the nature of consciousness and liberation as it relates to the human experience in the time we are living in.
Allowing the individual to awaken within their own timing to the cause and effect of the great teachings of nature into “our own true nature”.
Through our limited senses we are only observing the outer world. When we change, from only being focused on the outer surroundings to one's own inner experiences, what we call one's "true inner vibratory nature", one's perception becomes transparent.
The teachings of this inner investigation is a science, the architectural masterpiece of our lives, through which we can build a new life on a strong foundations.
Working at many levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
“Myofascial Theraputic Body Work” with VEDA Expert Therese Skovgaard Poulsen