The science of the breath, also known as pranayama, is the key to healing.

The world that we are currently living in is ridden with chaos, Veda focuses on teaching these techniques to increase consciousness and awareness around the breath. This will calm the mind in the midst of the emotional roller coaster ride that is inflicted on us or from how we inflict on ourselves.  Our goal is to assist you in obtaining the ability to relax and calm yourself in not just difficult situations but in your daily life.

Pranayama our breath is an exact science, its the first thing we do as we enter into this world and the last thing we do as we leave this world.

We will be working with the inspiratory breath and the expiratory breath. The breath is our external manifestation of life, the vital force and on an internal level works like electricity. 

By practicing control over our breathing we are able to control the light switch in our mind as the mind cannot operate without the help of oxygen. The vibration of the oxygen is what brings thoughts in the mind. it's the oxygen that moves the mind. it's the oxygen that sets the mind in motion. The breath represents the important fly-wheel of an engine. If you can control this wheel then you can easily control the inner experience.

The process by which oxygen is regulated we can literally heal ourselves. Just like a goldsmith removes the impurities of gold by heating it in the hot furnace, by strongly blowing the blow-pipe, so also we can remove the impurities of the body by blowing our lungs with oxygen.

This life force may be defined as the finest vital force in everything which becomes visible on the physical plane as motion and action and on the mental plane as thoughts.

Here lies the secret to the human greatest potential.